Nurses Week Reflections
It would only be fitting that nurses are recognized for the provision of nursing care and compassion. Nurses on the frontline each and every day categorically ensure that the patient and family experience is both dignified and positive. As the Chief Nurse Executive, I get the pleasure of receiving phone calls, text messages, emails, letters and the most personal with face-to-face encounters with patients and family members that center on the incredible and extraordinary stories of compassion, sense of duty, and authentic presence of mind, body and spirit.
The extraordinary nurse becomes one with the patient and family. Emerging self into connecting at levels that generate a response that says the nurse cares and understands “me” is what can be missing in the care experience process. Bonding with deep understanding and appreciation for what the patient and/or the family are experiencing transcends and complements empathy. Comforting and acknowledging mind, body and spirit pain and distress is a selfless act committed by the nurse. It is recognized, appreciated and often brings solace to the patient and/or family, not only at the time of need, but lives on in memories.
This week we celebrate the gift of being a nurse. As the most trusted profession (Gallup Poll, 2017) in America continuously from 2002, we can be proud of the commitment made to those who are in need and seek out kindness, compassion, and connectedness from nurses. Florence Nightingale stated, “So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard-seed germinates and roots itself.”
Happy nurses week. Thank you for everything you do for our patients and family members.
Be good to yourself,
Dr. Jeffery L . Hudson-Covolo, Vice President for Patient Care Services & Chief Nurse Executive