Pre-register 24-48 hours before your procedure at Sierra View Medical Center. Bring a picture ID, insurance cards, and any paperwork from your physician’s office. If required, lab tests such as a COVID-19 test, blood work, urine test, or EKG will be completed during registration.
A liaison nurse will call the day before to confirm your arrival time, review your medical history, and provide instructions.
Proper bowel preparation is essential for a successful procedure. Use the photos as a guideline to ensure you are fully prepared before arriving. Follow the instructions provided by your physician, and if you have any concerns, reach out to the Ambulatory Surgery Center for guidance.
A: Preparation was completed accurately, and you are ready for your procedure.
B & C: Please contact the Ambulatory Surgery Center for further instructions at (559) 791-3779.
Arrive at the Ambulatory Surgery Center. Plan to be at the facility for three to four hours, including pre-op, procedure, and recovery time.
Medications or a complete list, including prescriptions, over-the-counter items, vitamins, and supplements
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (if applicable)
You must have a responsible adult to pick you up and assist for the first 24 hours after discharge. Before the procedure, provide the nurse with your driver’s name and phone number.
If you have fever, chills, or body aches, do not enter the facility. Please call the Ambulatory Surgery Center at (559) 791-3779 or contact your primary care provider.