Sierra View Medical Center is governed by a board of directors made up of five publicly-elected directors, elected by zone for two-year terms. This governing body is responsible for the safety and quality of care, treatment, and services provided district wide.
Board members must clearly understand the difference between “governance” and “management.” The governing body is responsible for ensuring the mission and vision of the organization, in addition to being legally responsible for the operation of the organization. The governing board must see the “big picture,” and work with all of the information available to it in order to lead the organization forward in carrying out its mission and vision.
Management is responsible for the day-to-day tasks of running the hospital. The board delegates the day-to-day management to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO and the senior management team is guided, but not directed, by the governing board. They lead the hospital’s staff in carrying out the mission and vision that has been developed and approved by the governing board.
The roles and responsibilities of the governing board involves everything from ensuring the cost effective utilization of resources to determining the organization’s mission, and establishing a long range strategic plan to help attain that mission. Although the responsibilities are many and varied, there are six major areas of responsibility that all governing boards have:
Sierra View’s Board of Directors meets monthly. For a list of upcoming meetings or agendas, click HERE.