CT Scan

What is a CT Scan?

A CT scan, also known as a computed tomography scan, is a medical imaging method that uses special X-ray equipment to obtain cross-sectional pictures of the body. The CT computer displays these pictures as detailed images of organs, bones and other tissues. This type of imaging can be very helpful in diagnosing injuries or fractures or in identifying diseases in the earliest stages.

Who Needs a CT Scan?

Many may be unfamiliar with the technology, but over 50 million CT scans are performed annually in the United States. These scans have become important diagnostic tools and are ordered by physicians for several different procedures including:

  • Detecting and monitoring diseases such as cancer or heart disease
  • Identifying internal injuries and internal bleeding
  • Diagnosing muscle and bone disorders
  • Guiding procedures such as surgery, biopsy and radiation therapy
  • Pinpointing the location of tumor, infection or blood clot

Advanced Technology

SOMATOM®go.Top CT Scanner

Our Imaging Services can better serve patients with the new system, SOMATOM® go.Top from Siemens Healthineers for a wide range of routine procedures.

SOMATOM go.Top CT Scanner with tech operating touch pad

Patient Friendly Design

  • Increased patient safety using low dose techniques
  • Modern system design allows for excellent patient access
  • Highly detailed imaging with very short breath hold requirement using multi-slice CT
  • Ability to accommodate up to 500 lbs
  • Short scan time

Dose Reduction Features

  • Innovative technology automates customized dose for each patient based on size, weight and anatomy, providing high-quality images at a minimized dose
  • Industry’s leading detector material provides exceptional image detail at reduced dose

Exceptional Clinical Benefits

  • Fast, minimally invasive vascular evaluation of the head, neck, throat, abdomen, pelvis, and extremities using CT Angiography
  • Cutting-edge technology delivers high-quality images, allowing visualization of small details

For scheduling, call (559) 791-4739